December 18th Birthday Horoscope December 18th Birthday Horoscope

Birthday HoroscopeDecember 18th

  • Sign Sagittarius
  • Birthday Element Fire
  • Lucky Colors Blue 
  • Ruling Planet Jupiter 
  • Birthstone Blue Zircon
  • Most Compatible With Aries  Leo  Libra  Aquarius 
  • Tarot Card Temperance 

About the December 18th Sagittarius

December 18th Sagittarians are excellent at working and playing hard. People are extremely attracted to their bright and open personalities. These Sagittarians wear their hearts on their sleeves and are very open with others about what they want in life.

A Sagittarius born on this date has high moral standards and will only break the rules when they deem it necessary to achieve a greater good. Their open, friendly natures draw people in and inspire people to spread joy and good in the world.

Sagittarians born on this date are very sociable people. They do tend to be a little too frank at times, but this doesn’t seem to offend others too much as they are also very generous and considerate by nature. Always up for a good discussion, you can find this Sagittarius at the center of any social gathering making people laugh with the stories they tell.

People born on this date can be a little cold to people who disappoint them. Their expectations of others tend to be high, and they often find themselves let down when the ones they care about make mistakes or hurt them in any way.

Sagittarians born on December 18th can be a little naive at times, but their wit and humor more than make up for this shortcoming. They are always there to support the ones they love, ready and willing to share kind words and encouragement to lift someone’s spirits. Because they are so compassionate and kind-hearted, they are always seeking out opportunities to lend others a helping hand.

Sagittarians born on this date have naturally happy natures, but they do still have trouble with expressing their emotions in relationships. This can make it hard for their potential romantic partners to connect with them on deeper levels. It is not impossible, however.

If their love interest is patient and willing to go at a slower pace, they will help a Sagittarius partner feel safe to open up to them over time. Once a Sagittarian has built up this trust with their partner, they are more than ready to shower their lovers with adoration and affection.

What Are the Traits of a December 18th Sagittarius?

Positive Traits

December 18th Sagittarians are well-balanced. They know when to push themselves and when to take a step back to reflect and relax. Though they are sometimes aggressively self-confident, they are softies at heart and always ready and willing to help those in need.

Negative Traits

Sometimes these Sagittarians promise way more than they can actually deliver. This may lead to frustration and disappointment in the ones they love when they can’t keep their promises. They can also be a bit restless in their constant need to progress which can put others off at times.

What Is the Personality of a December 18th Sagittarius?

People born on December 18th are charismatic, witty and very open-minded. They make excellent conversational partners, and they can often turn a situation into an opportunity for growth, change and progress.

They are curious at heart and love to explore and learn new things. They can be flighty at times when they feel like the expectations someone has for them are too demanding.

Love & Compatibility for a December 18th Sagittarius

People born on December 18th are romantic lovers. They will not hesitate to shower their partners with adoration, time and attention. Though they have high standards when it comes to love, they don’t tend to fall into love quickly. They like to take their time and let love grow naturally.

Sagittarians born on this date still have a tendency to be a little too impulsive in how they express love. This may lead new love interests to fizzle out quickly. However, when they take their time with a lover, they will develop strong friendships with their romantic partner that is filled with loyalty, honesty and compassion.

Job & Skills for a December 18th Sagittarius

Sagittarians are optimistic, generous, creative and open-minded. Though these personality traits won’t fit in with every job, they flourish in work environments related to sales, marketing, arts and humanities and public service.

You can rely on a Sagittarius to make any workplace feel like fun! That’s because they are excellent at finding the humor and joy in life, no matter what. And because they are so flexible, they work well in environments that allow them to explore, experiment and travel.

Work that is mundane, routine and rarely open to change will crush a Sagittarian’s spirit. So it is best for them to avoid any jobs that require repetitive tasks.

What Is in Store for a December 18th Sagittarius in 2023?

2022 is the year that Sagittarians should focus on getting their mental and physical health back on track. This is a significant task this year as Uranus is in Taurus for the duration of this year: Taurus is in the Sixth House of Health for Sagittarians.

Make sure to be open and communicative when it comes to your health. Taking part in anything that helps you strengthen your body and mind in a sustainable way (i.e. therapy, self-care, etc.) will be the best choices for you this year. Avoid any fad diets and try not to get caught in the trap of trending beauty standards.

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, will be situated in Aquarius and your Third House of Communication for most of 2022. Keep in mind that Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and opportunity, so it is important that you build new connections in your life through friendships and/or romance while maintaining the relationships you’ve already established with family and friends.

There will be a lunar eclipse on May 26th this year. This event will occur in your First House of Self when you should be exploring inwardly, reflecting and resetting. Because lunar eclipses symbolize sudden changes (and because they can be quite chaotic), it is likely that something unhealthy in your life will be ending abruptly.

May 26th won’t be the only date that causes upheaval for you this year. Mark your calendar for June 10th (solar eclipse), November 19th (lunar eclipse) and December 4th (solar eclipse). It will be essential for you to engage in anything that soothes the mind, body and soul on these days to avoid any meltdowns.

Look out for Mercury retrograde dates as well: May 29th-June 22nd and September 27th-October 18th. Retrogrades don’t affect you as much as other signs, but they may put a damper on any travel plans you have during these periods. Try to keep calm when and if you have to cancel any travel plans.

Sagittarius birthday season starts on November 21st this year. Use this period of time to focus on yourself, your needs and anything that will help you grow and change for the better.

This period of personal growth will be especially important on December 19th when Venus (the planet of love and connection) is in retrograde in Capricorn and your Second House of Finances. This is a great time to reevaluate any rash decisions you’ve made that have resulted in unhappiness. Use this time to clean up any messes you’ve made.

About the December 18th Ruling Planet (Jupiter)

Jupiter is all about growth, luck and good fortune, and it brings ease, wisdom and rewards to Sagittarians. It is the largest planet in the solar system and works to manifest a Sagittarius’ greatest desires.

At the best of times, Jupiter allows Sagittarians to achieve their biggest dreams. At the worst of times, it can result in a Sagittarian making rash decisions that will likely result in huge monetary losses.

About the December 18th Birthstone (Blue Zircon)

Zircon comes in many different colors, but blue is the most popular choice. Blue zircon is used to strengthen the love between two partners, to help the wearer achieve their goals in life and purify the wearer’s energy. People use this gemstone when they need to get rid of a large buildup of negative energy.

About the December 18th Lucky Color (Blue)

Blue is the luckiest color for Sagittarius. Use this color in your home decor for good luck. Incorporate blue in your favorite outfits to spark a little more confidence in your day, especially on days when you need a bit more luck.

Famous December 18th Birthdays

  • DMX
  • Brad Pitt
  • Katie Holmes
  • Cicely Tyson
  • Sia
  • Christina Aguilera
  • Ray Liotta

Zodiac Compatibility
Birthday Horoscopes